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Cat Collars


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Pet Collar FAQs

Should my dog wear a collar?

Your dog should wear a collar. It's important for any pets to have a tag in case they get lost, and a collar is usually needed to attach their ID tag. Picking a comfortable collar for your dog is important for their wellbeing.

What types of dog collars are out there?

There are many types of dog collars out there! Most dogs are fine with a simple buckle collar, but there are many other options that work for different dogs.

Read more about picking the perfect collar for your dog here!

What is the best type of cat collar?

Breakaway collars are generally safest for cats, as they release when pressure is applied, preventing injury if the collar gets stuck or caught. The collar should be snug, but not tight, to make sure your cat is comfortable but securein their collar

Can my dog wear a bandana over their dog collar?

Yes! If your dog's bandana is securely attached there should be no concerns. Make sure you monitor your dog while they wear their bandana, especially if they aren't used to it, to make sure they're comfortable with it.